Solved: “Bluebirds” installer on LG GH22NS50 DVD-RW This is the LG GH22NS50. We’ve started stocking these at work – just the next low-cost SATA burner option for us. Except it comes with a nasty surprise, and that surprise is Bluebirds. It’s some kind of drag-to-disc software included with the drive. Not on a CD, of course; it’s hacked into the drive’s firmware, and shows up when there’s no disc in the drive at all. Which means that every time you close the tray with nothing in it, you get prompted to install it, thanks to Windows helpfully autorunning it. It’s not really a malicious program. It just sits in your system tray until you close it or uninstall it (Control Panel -> Add/remove programs, in XP). It’s probably even helpful, for the few people who let it sit around long enough to find out. I haven’t seen anyone do that yet. Way to go, LG; not only does your drive automatically try to... 리셋하시고 싶은 부분에 #asm("jmp 0")삽입해 보세요.. 마이크로 비젼 질문게시판에 이런글이 잇던데 참고 하세요.. iar 컴파일러를 이용해서 avr 사용시 하드웨어는 reset을 하지않고 소프트웨어 리셋을 할 수있는 방법이있는지요? program counter / stack pointer 초기화 가능... 답변 watch dog를 사용하지 않으시려면요,,, 이렇게 해보시죠,,함수 포인터 입니당. terminal로 A를 100개 보내고 리셋되는게 반복되는 예제입니다. 포인터가 시작번지를 가리키고 잇으며 포인터함수를 호출할경우 리셋으로 점프하게되므로 자의적으로 혹은 외부 상태에 맞게 코딩하시면 리셋되리라 봅니다..그럼,, void main (void) { void (* reset)(void)=0x0000; unsigned char temp; ....중간생략 while(1) { for(temp=0;temp<100; temp++) sendbyte('A'); (*reset)(); //또는 (void)(*reset)(); // CODE 0번지로 점프 ->리셋과 같음, } } [출처] AVR 소프트웨어 리셋 | 작성자 Alan