insmod: init_module 'ftdi_sio.ko' failed (Exec format error)
I need to add the FTDI USB module to the Android kernel (Android 2.3.1, Linux 2.6.32), so I got the 2.6.32 kernel and tried to build the module:
make modules ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-eabi-
But when I tried to do 'insmod ftdi_sio.ko', the error message wasinsmod: init_module 'ftdi_sio.ko' failed (Exec format error)
In dmesg's output I found this
ftdi_sio: version magic ' preempt mod_unload ARMv5 ' should be ' preempt mod_unload ARMv7 '
answer :
Try setting up
in your kernel .config
file in linux / android
1. insmod ftdi_sio.ko
2. dmesg ( error message view )